How to know if SMC is bad?
What is SMC (System Management Controller)?
SMC in MacBook Laptops is a microcontroller Chip that controls:
- Battery Management
- Thermal Management
- Indicators Management
- Cooling Fans
- Power Management
Chances of SMC failure according to the faults in MacBook Laptops
Faults | % Failure of SMC |
System is dead but charger LED is glowing Green or Orange | 5-10% |
Battery is not detected X sign on Menu Bar | 90% failure of SMC and 10% of Battery |
System is Extremely Slow | 50% |
Does not wakeup from standby position | Almost 100% failure |
Dim or Dark Display | 10% |
Track pad or keyboard is not working | 0% |
Battery not charging (but detection is there ) | 0% |
Abnormal / Random Shutdown | 0% |
Fan is spinning fast | 10% |
Memory Beep | 0% |
If you need SMC Replacement Services contact us at 09958360094